Sunday, 26 August 2012

Eight Months

Well hello there.. 

Jadi malu, my last post was in January. Which means I owe this blog lots lots lots of stories. Specifically albout my pregnancy, yang mana sudah memasuki bulan ke delapan. Nyahahhahah.. Been willing to write down all the yay and nay in my preggo world but somehow there're always a phrase "been too busy adapting being wifey and... also being a mommy-to-be". Intinya jago bener cari alesan. Eh, but I wrote loh, tapi tak sampai di publish, selalu sukses numpuk di draft.

Right. Back to my preggo world. Already prepare a name!! Hahaaa.. Cant wait to announce it, tapi kan blom brojol ya kali deh udh launching duluan. Btw, it's a boy. Which explains my "mancung banget" belly inih. And the thing I had with red meat in the first and second trisemester. And the thing about males dandan dan males masak, cooking mama was officially off for months back then. And also explains how I could unbelievably not-that-pretty-excited as I watched NKOTBSB performed last June. Padahal dari jaman SD ampe ngayal pacaran ama Nick Carter, ealah udah ketemu kok ngga deg2 ser gituuuh ;p

Sekarang si dedek utun *for those who's not Sundanese, its a name given to unborn baby* is 33 weeks based on USG, tapi menurut HPLnya sih  udh 35minggu. Ada gap gitu karna si utun ternyata lebih kecil dari yg biasanya, tapi beratnya masih normal kata dokternya sih. Gapapa yah dek, mending gede di luar ajah ;*

Last condition of my baby boy was overall normal. Hopefully I shall hear the same good news in the next doctor visit. Amiiiin..

Here it is my last appearance in front of the camera *yg lolos seleksi tentunya dan dipajang di semua socmed*, baru saja potong rambut 2 days before, gained ONLY 10 to 11 kilos, taken on the first day of Eid Mubarak 1433H. 

1 comment:

  1. anaaaa lama gak muncul ternyata lagi hamil :D
    sehat-sehat terus yaaa...semoga lancar sampe lahiran ntar :D
