Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Korban Iklan

Berburu the famous, most wanted ice cream nowadays. MAGNUM-WALLS. Temen-temen kantor pada ngidam, while me? Super kepo about it. Setelah jalan kaki ke Riau Junction with zero result, then something popped in my mind. Sepertinya ada pabrik (ato officenya, dunno) somewhere near my office. So off we went to that place, with full of hopes and dreams (ini mau kemanaaa siiih??). Then I saw Walls sign not far from Taman Flexi Dago. Believe it or not, cuma ada satu freezernya walls di depan sebuah WARTEG. Yup, warteg (which is good, coz I finally found another place to go for lunch), kecil pula freezernya, dan isinya hanya ada tu eskrim. ;D

the famous ice cream

Nyamnyamnyam. Waiting for terompet bunyi. Few minutes. Nope. Gak ada. Apalagi terusannya yah, lebih gak ada. No super huge poster. No super special treat. Just.. an ice cream. So far, I can only say, that the MAGNUM was just like many Wall's ice cream. The secret recipe is on its Belgium Chocolate. The vanilla ice cream was so-so.

mouthwatering? no? reallyyy??? ;p

abis deh.. me still want that belgium choco!!


  1. yg enak katanya yg terbaru... Kalau yg classic dari dulu emang udah gitu rasanya :D

  2. iya, bedanya cuma coklatnya lebih tebel yg sekarang. tar hunting lagi ah, susye bener nyari tu eskrim. heuheu. :D

  3. iyesss karinaa.. hebat sales marketingnya.. kayanya emang sengaja ga masukin stock ke semua toko, biar orang2 makin penasaran
