Few days ago, that little creature successfully made all my family members got panic. Chester'd been gone since the night before. Even Mba di rumah pun ikutan panik, nyari2 tu kucing sampe ke gang belakang rumah. She came with disappointment. Chester wasn't around.
As my Dad and I arrived at home, Chester hadn't coming back home. While we're speculating about any chances that Chester might be coming home, there's a blurred sound from the outside, blurred meow.. And there it goes. Tiba2 muncul out of nowhere. Not as usual, tho. Not asking for food with pitchy meow, just sit and meow-ing slowly.
The funny thing about this, was my family's assumption regarding where's Chester had been leaving. My Dad assumed Chester went to play with his girl (if you think cats do not have girl or boy, you got it all wrong mate). Mom thought that someone kidnapped Chester (this, I disagree, I don't think no one would want to keep that silly dirty cat). My sister thought Chester got accident and died (really really relieving, *sighed*). While me, thought Chester forgot his way back home, mengingat how silly he is.
Gosh, my family, a bit weird aren't we? Hahaaa..
Thanks God, until now Chester's still safe at home. Smoga ngga aneh-aneh lagi tu kucing.
hahahaha, Chester looking for attention :D