Sunday 10 July 2011


Rejeki itu seringkali datengnya when we are least expecting. Sama kaya jodoh.

Never had I imagined, that one day Nemo and I would be together. Funny, it is. As we both barely noticed each other back then. We didn't even bother to keep in touch and keep one's and another phone number. Guess, we're too busy with each other's significant one *which apparently not that significant*

Nevertheless, we're a happy couple now.

So does rejeki, isn't it? Allah selalu punya caranya sendiri buat ngasih sesuatu ke umatnya. Dan cuma Allah juga yang tau apa yang terbaik dan kapan waktu terbaik untuknya ngasih sesuatu tersebut.

Jadi, sebenernya sebaiknya seharusnya, saya bersyukur karena, setelah berpuluh2 tes dan interview, akhirnya saya dapet kerjaan juga di Jakarta. As for me, I don't wanna and live apart from my hubby. Not even 2-hour travel Jakarta-Bandung. So there goes my exhausting effort, finally got the job.


Tapi ini berarti we have to postpone our honeymoon for 6 months. Batal deh ah hornymoon di pantaaaaaiii. Hiks. Melayang juga deh bookingan hotel. Tiket pesawat? Bisa direschedule ;D

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