Monday, 28 March 2011


Phew. After long long long nights and days for the whole week. I can now breath normally, sleep like a baby, say goodbye to spreadsh*t until further clients, and welcome magabut ;) hehehohooo.. That's what I love about my job. It can be super duper hectic in a week or two. But then you'll get lazy months ahead.

Anyway, yesterday my nemo and I hunted for mahar at Cikini. Searching for toko2 emas which have been talked by most peeps. And voila, the place was under-reconstruction. Halah. Akhirnya liat2 di toko sebelah *menteng prada*, but too bad tokonya cuma dikit, dan banyak yg tutup. I wanna make a new one, I mean, with a new design, not the ones at the store, but turned out that will cost a lot more. Zzzzzz... Right, there's still much time til October, isn't it? *menghibu diri*

Dear bloggers and readers, do you have any other recommended place to buy mahar/mas kawin?

Saturday, 19 March 2011

A Little Progress

Masih urusan kebaya. This time for kebaya akad. Tadi siang janjian ketemu Tante Tita di butik. Pas sampe, Tantenya masi sibyuuuuk sama yg lagi fitting *pengen deh ngintip kebayanya heheh*. gue sih seneng aja disuruh nunggu disitu. Betah banget deh aseli, liat2 kebaya2 pengantinnya, liat2 bahan2 brokat semi prancisnya, liat2 kebaya2 pesenan orang yg udah jadi, haduuh, bahagia deh gue.. Ngiler juga pastinyaaa, pengen punya smua tu bahan2 brokat plus kebaya2nya..

a glimpse of Adity House of Kebaya, love its interior, love its kebaya for sure :)

Ini loooh yg bolak-balik gue liatin satu2, kebaya2 pesenan orang yg udah jadi.. Mupeng!

Yak, tiba saatnya gue diukur, pake long torso dgn size yg sama kaya waktu dulu pernah coba disitu, dulu sih pas2 aja, lah tadi si mbak2nya blg, "ini gendutan ya, agak susah makeinnya" Iiiih, menohok deh mbaaak.. Padahal kan itu clana jeansnya aja ketebelan, bukan daging dan lemak gue kok, suweeeeerrr *denial

Abis diukur, masi nunggu Tante Tita, buat nentuin modelnya, padahal gue mah pasrah2 aja sih modelnya kaya apa, pokonya yg penting harus yg anonoh, kebuka2 gitu biar masuk angin, kekekkekek..

Done ngukur, done tentuin model, time to go home. Eeeeh, belooom! Bayar yang satu ini dulu:

Gara2 nunggunya lama, jadi ajah tergiur sama flat shoes cantik ini.
Btw, not only the shoes that I love, bungkus sepatunya pun ciamik!
Mau gue cuci trus jadiin kantong serba guna :D

Langsung deh si gue bernyanyi: Sepatu baaaruu alhamdulillaaah ;D

Eeehh, one more thing, gue akirnya bikin selop akad dan resepsi disini juga. Td nyoba satu model, pas banget, dan gue suka modelnya, simple :)

Adity House of Kebaya/ Adity Boutique
Jl. Taman Cibeunying Utara No. 2 A

Pre-marital Medical Check Up

I got this info from Santosa International Hospital at Bandung. They got pre-marital med-check packages for man and woman.

1. Paket Jamrud A (Pra-nikah Pria) :
Pemeriksaan Laboratorium:
- Hematologi Rutin, LED, Gol. darah, dan faktor Rhesus
- Panel Diabetes
- Panel Hepatitis B
- Panel Penyakit Menular Seksual
- Uji Saring Thalasemia
- Urin Rutin
Pemeriksaan Radiologi
- Foto Thorax
Pemeriksaan Fisik dan Konsultasi Dokter Spesialis Kebidanan & Kandungan
- Makan pagi
- Rp 538.500

2. Paket Jamrud B (Pra-nikah Wanita)
Pemeriksaan Laboratorium:
- Hematologi Rutin, LED, Gol. darah, dan faktor Rhesus
- Panel Diabetes
- Panel Hepatitis B
- Panel Penyakit Menular Seksual
- Uji Saring Thalasemia
- IgM Anti Toksoplasma, IgM Anti Rubelia, IgM Anti CMV
- Urin Rutin
Pemeriksaan Radiologi
- Foto Thorax
- USG Kandungan
Pemeriksaan Fisik dan Konsultasi Dokter Spesialis Kebidanan & Kandungan
- Makan pagi
- Rp 1.005.000

Info ini per Maret 2011 yaa.. dan specifically at Santosa International Hospital. By the way, if you found another hospital which offers packages like the above with lower cost, please let me know.. :)

Santosa Bandung International Hospital
Jl. Kebonjati No. 38 Bandung 40181
Ph: 022-4248333 (hunting)
Emergency: 022-4248555 (24 hours)

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Myrna Myura

Okay, as I told you, I'm one of the lucky brides-to-be for my reception Kebaya's gonna be made by lovely young talented designer, Myrna Myura. And I'm sooo impatient to meet my gonna-be gorgeous kebaya. Too bad October's still a long long way to go. *sigh

For you who may not able to find her at facebook. This info is for you :)

Myrna Myura
Workshop: Jalan Melati No. 21
Condet, Jakarta Timur (by appointment only)
Ph: 02199557007 or 085719377007

Knock knock

Haloh haloh halooooh!!! Hawayuuu my dear bloggers and readers?

Seminggu gak bisa buka internet due to kuota yg aneh bin ajaib seminggu doang abis, bikin dead style gila2an dah!! Untungnye kerjaan banyak, jadi bisa lebih konsen (tsaaaah.. #pencitraan).

Trus? Any story left behind? Nope, nothing but ordinary days, I supposed. Just this craving over chocolate melt is literally killing me. I'm not making this up. Gatau ini ngidam ampun2an sama chocolate melt, you know, that melting chocolate inside a chocolate cake, usually served with an ice cream and some fruits. Must to tell ya, I LOOOOVVVEEEEEEE that cake!!

Tadi pulang kantor minta temenin mamah ke PVJ, with a huge hope of getting that choco melt. And I got nothing. Gila yak, masa coklat enak gitu kagak ada di satupun resto di PVJ?? Ujung2nya nge-dimsum lagi. Huhuhuuu.. Untung gak lagi hamil, watir kan ntar anak gue ileran..

Anyway lagi, I'm watching American Idol now. Who's you're favorite? I think this season is the best of all. I love most of it's contestants. Cannot decide until now who is better among Casey, Jacob, Paul, Scottie, Pia, or Thia. Gosh, they're just awesome!!

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Detox Day Three: Mission Accomplished

Review day 3:
Much much easier than the first two days. Don't feel too much pressure of wanting "real" food. The only problem I had to face was that I was a bit bored and sick of too much apples (this is my fault, should've chosen other food for today).

So, it's a wrap. Yehuuuu!!! And I'm still breathing healthily. Think I'm gonna do this routinely, once a month should be fine. :)

By the way, I just so cannot wait for tomorrow. Nasi, MSG, sambel, come to mamaaaaa... *humm.. been thinking what should I eat for breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? Ohohohooo..

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Detox Day Two

Lah. Kok tiba2 udah hari kedua? Iya, kemaren sibuk eike. Jadi baru sempet nulis sekarang.

Okay, what is it with this detox? Dari dulu sebenernya pengen, berawal dari Mbak Sherina yang berkicau di twitternya regarding detox dia yg gagal thanks to sushi (apa shabu2 ya, lupita gue). Muleilah dirikyu mencari2 apaan sih detox2.. Trus, ternyata di banyak sumber (yg mana gue nyarinya random, jadi gak inget dapet inpoh dari mana aja, so hampura yah gak disebutin disini) yg bilang kalo detox buah itu emang baik untuk dilakukan.

Setelah mengumpulkan niat yg cukup besar buat ngelakuinnya (sambil mikir, gosh, am gonna literally miss nasi, gorengan, dan teman2nya), dimuleilah detox buah per kemaren. Bangun pagi makan pisang sama tomat potong plus gula. Di kantor ngemil2 buah apel (ih, indah banget ya cemilannya). Trus siangnya makan karedok, sorenya ngemil apel lagi plus yogurt. Pulang2 makan gado2 tapi cuma toge sama seladanya aja. Trus kenyang. Hebat si gado2 euy. Nah, tapi si adik gendut malemnya ngancem mo abisin rumput laut crispy malem itu juga, akirnya gue nyerah ikutan makan juga. Hahahhaa..

Review detox day 1: Bisa dibaca yah. Namanya juga detox buah. Kuduna pan yg dimakan buah doang siiih. Dan tanpa gula2an. Sayur sebenernya nggak apa2, tapi gak pake bumbu2 apapun, jadi kaya makan lalapan gitu harusnya. Yogurt? Pas gue makan tu yogurt, agak menyesal juga sih, emangnya ini diet na? dudul. Yang terakir, si rumput laut crispy. Ah sudahlah gausah dikomentarin. Tapi yah, sayah kan masi newbie yah, gapapa kali hari pertama segitu progressnya, lumayan kan.. kan.. kan.. (IYA! :D )

Detox Day Two:
Considered more successful than yesterday. Diawali dengan segelas air hangat. Trus makan sepotong apel dan semangkok tomat (masih pake gula, dikiiiiit kok). Tiap jam ngunyah apel, had papayas for lunch, lanjut lagi makan apel. Dan minum lebih banyak lagi. Dinnernya papaya lagi. (Lama2 eneg bok) ;D

(my lunch menu. eneg eh enak kok)

Doakan yah semoga sayah berhasil melewati rintangan ini. Masih ada satu hari niiiih. Padahal udah gatel pengen jajan. Dan semoga hari ini maupun besok gak ada yg nawarin bakso haratisan kaya kemaren. Eymen!!

Monday, 7 March 2011

Bao Dim-Sum

I owe you this post. Enjoy! :)

Attracted by their mini-looking-good Ba Pao and craved for dim-sum, I came unintentionally to this place with my sister. I love its interior design, as you can see above, that's only a small part of it which I like. The place isn't big, it's quite small, but doesn't lessen my interest to it.

For dim-sum lovers, this place is a must try. My sister said, you've got to try Baso Sotong Roti, that's a recommended one (she said, cos I've never tasted it, I'm more like the old-fashioned, I love Hakau, Hakau, and Hakau). About the price, I'm not saying the food is cheap, but I think it's affordable and really is worth every penny you spent.

Here are the super cute, mini Ba Pao, yellow ones are Pasir Mas, consists of milk and cheese.
It tastes yummy sweet. The greeny striped one is Pandan taste.

Chicken-mushroom, Pasir Mas (again?!), Nutty Chocolate. I loooovveee 'em all.
They got 17 kinds of Ba Pao, but my fav is definitely the yellow one, Pasir Mas :)

Chinese Chicken Porridge. Enough to kill my yearn for Chinese porridge.

HAKAU!!! My fav of all dim-sum! And I've to tell you, I can compare this to the one at Duck King. Lovely!!

This is what I really really, I mean, REALLY love about this place. Yup, it's the spicy sauce.
*Can you see the bottle was almost empty, that was my sister and I to blame* ;D

Haven't got a chance to taste their main courses. Definitely gonna try it next time..

Bao Dim-sum
Paris van Java GL D-10
Jalan Sukajadi No. 137-139

PS: you can see much more pictures of their menus which quite make me drooling at their facebook account

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Cute Tumbler

As you can see on the pic above, yes, I got it from GoGirl! Love it yet haven't used it. ;D