Monday, 7 March 2011

Bao Dim-Sum

I owe you this post. Enjoy! :)

Attracted by their mini-looking-good Ba Pao and craved for dim-sum, I came unintentionally to this place with my sister. I love its interior design, as you can see above, that's only a small part of it which I like. The place isn't big, it's quite small, but doesn't lessen my interest to it.

For dim-sum lovers, this place is a must try. My sister said, you've got to try Baso Sotong Roti, that's a recommended one (she said, cos I've never tasted it, I'm more like the old-fashioned, I love Hakau, Hakau, and Hakau). About the price, I'm not saying the food is cheap, but I think it's affordable and really is worth every penny you spent.

Here are the super cute, mini Ba Pao, yellow ones are Pasir Mas, consists of milk and cheese.
It tastes yummy sweet. The greeny striped one is Pandan taste.

Chicken-mushroom, Pasir Mas (again?!), Nutty Chocolate. I loooovveee 'em all.
They got 17 kinds of Ba Pao, but my fav is definitely the yellow one, Pasir Mas :)

Chinese Chicken Porridge. Enough to kill my yearn for Chinese porridge.

HAKAU!!! My fav of all dim-sum! And I've to tell you, I can compare this to the one at Duck King. Lovely!!

This is what I really really, I mean, REALLY love about this place. Yup, it's the spicy sauce.
*Can you see the bottle was almost empty, that was my sister and I to blame* ;D

Haven't got a chance to taste their main courses. Definitely gonna try it next time..

Bao Dim-sum
Paris van Java GL D-10
Jalan Sukajadi No. 137-139

PS: you can see much more pictures of their menus which quite make me drooling at their facebook account

1 comment:

  1. nice blog...i like it...hehehehe
    baca blogku juga ya di
