Thursday, 24 February 2011

Happy Birthday Lil' Sister

This post is dedicated to my silly, chubby, little sister. She's celebrating her 22nd birthday yesterday. For your information, I didn't get used to give compliments to her. In fact, we grew up mocking each other. I guess that's how we show our love. But, I'll try my best for this chance. :)

Twenty Three Facts Regarding My Sister

1. I always wanted a litter sister. When my mom's carrying her, no one told me it's gonna be a girl, but I had faith, it's a she.

2. Her name is Febriani Permatasari. Called her Ade, Mpeb, Pepew, Anak Gajah, Beruang, Gwendut, Genduto. Naah, we called her, Febi.

3. She's a prematurely born baby. Waktu lahir her face was no bigger than my mom's palm. And she had to be in the incubator for few days.

4. Waktu bayi, suara kucing aja lebih kenceng dari suara tangisnya si adik gendut (yg dulunya imut2). Nyokap aja pernah ga nyadar si adik lagi nangis padahal jaraknya cuma semeter-dua meter.

5. Gue selalu nganggep adek gue yg bulat dan lucuuu itu maenan. Slalu rajin ngisengin si adik, tapi si adik udh bisa ngebales, ujung2nya gue yg nangis. Ada loh fotonya gue lagi nangis buka mulut lebar2, si adik bulat hanya bengong ngeliat gue. Cih. Padahal doi yg bikin gue nangis.

6. She grew up a bit faster than me. Mom said, mungkin karna tu anak mimi susu mulu.. Dan ga protes tiap nyokap masukin telur ke susunya, while me? Protes banget rasa susunya kok jadi ga enak gitu, walopun gatau itu dicampur sama telur.

7. Dulu si adik suka gue sogok pake duit berapa ratus perak gitu. I forgot what did I get in return. Tapi pokonya dia mau aja disogok alias super gampangan. Tapi seiring bertambahnya usia, udah makin pinter dia. Demm ;D

8. She's four year younger than me yet she's taller and bigger. Nah, she's not fat, only her body is a bit wide (you know what I meant).

9. The thing I love the most about her physical appearance is her chubby cheek and chubby arm (hehee). Paling seneng maenin lengannya. Empuk. Pipinya apalagi. Kayanya enyak bener digigit. Yummy. (She'll be angry green reading this point, hahaaa)

10. The thing I envy the most of her is her long skinny leg. Tho I adore mine (narsism is my middle name, remember?), her leg is more well-shaped, longer, and skinnier. By mean skinny, I meant proportional. Sort of a model's leg look alike.

11. She can be both my younger sister and my older sister, for sometimes she's being wiser and acting like she's older than me. Giving me advises and a shoulder to cry on. Her thoughts and opinions really matter most of the time.

12. A spoiled bastard and a super intolerably lazy kind of person.

13. Has a small kitty doll. She named it, mimia, since the first time Dad bought it for her when she was two. Until now, she's still sleeping with it next to her. She'll be angry if anyone treats mimia badly. Freak? Yes, a bit.

14. I think her brain is connecting into mine. I said "Itu loh de, si itu yg adenya si ini di sinetron ituuu, ternyata yah dia tuh... *blablabla" Sometimes she can easily understood what I meant. Or when we're in public area, something popped our mind (usually when we saw someone or something eyed-catchy), my sister was about to say/ask something about it and I just nodded before she said a word, vice versa. Last thing we heard was our laughter. ;D

15. We share the same ideas of fashion, music, food, etc. We also share our clothes. Tapi sekarang ga semuanya bisa sepake sih. Mengingat sizenya si adik semakin membesar. And oh, we share room and sometimes bed also :)

16. She has a unique scent. Smells like a baby. Sort of, I supposed. Pokonya khas banget deh baunya dia. Kalo kepanasan, pipi chubbynya memuai. Mukanya merah. Dan bau matahari.

17. Another helpless narcissistic kinda person.

18. Baru pertama kali naik Transjakarta seumur idupnya. Juga, sama sekali ngga tau jalanan Jakarta dan cuma tau naik metromini 72 dari rumah sodara di deket RSPP ke PIM, itupun pulangnya masih takut nyasar. (Zzzzz..)

19. We mostly spend time together. Separated only when I was working at Jakarta. Kemana-mana berdua. Apalagi kalo pas dua-duanya ga punya pacar atau or having LDR. Karna masing-masing udah sibuk sendiri2. We usually spare free time together, a sister day. Mostly eating, the rest could be karaoke-ing or going to cinema. Ini yang bikin sedih banget kalo nanti gue married. Gonna miss her badly.

20. Walopun udah kaya anak kembar, kemana2 berdua, usually have the same thoughts over something. Tapi muka kita ngga serupa. There are resemblances, but not much, I guess. Miripnya hanya di angle2 tertentu aja kayanya.

21. She's now still struggling with her thesis, which is, according to her, gonna be wrapped before this mid-year. Yet, she's mostly seen lazying at home and reading comics and novel all the time. Well, good luck gendut..

22. Best companion ever. Best travel mate ever. Best friend to talk to and to share stories with.

23. She is the only person on earth, who actually KNOWS me and UNDERSTANDS me.

Yesterday we spent time together. Grabbing a free lunch at Steak Hotel Senopati (free wagyu only for her, and she treated me NZ rib-eye). She asked me to post her picture on my blog. So, here it is.

(little sister and her free wagyu complete with that funny headband at Holycowsteak)

Again, Happy birthday Genduto.. *cupcupmuahmuah


  1. hhhmmm,,,
    gede juga yah....

    daging nyaaa


  2. Maaaaaak.. steaknya itu loooh.. mantaap ^^

    aww Ana, kakak yang baik... mengenal adiknya luar dan dalam *hihihihi*..
    semoga selalu berbagi kebahagiaan setiap saat ya.. seneng deh punya adik yg ngertiin kakaknyaa..

  3. happy birthday febii.. WYATB :)

  4. @irvan
    200gram doang kok itu..

    enyak banget loh re.. cobain deh, nagih..
    amin! makasih re..

    nanti disampaikan.. thanks ochie.. ;D
