Thursday, 10 February 2011

Where Is Justice?

Hi there!

Busy week, it is. I wanna share you something. A thing that actually broke my heart as I read it. Another fact that there's really no justice in this country except for those who have money. A great deal of money. Pissed me off, really.

I never heard about Arga Tirta Kirana before. And her connection with Century Gate. I read my timeline on twitter a couple days ago and found this link. It's her daughter, Alanda Kariza who wrote and share her sadness and disappointment in her blog, so that now world knows about the injustice that her mother has to suffered. When I read it, it's shocking me. My mind's full with anger and disbelief. I cried.

Actually I don't care about politics and the news on TV since the last time I could remember. I now prefer to watch sinetron over those regreting news. For the sake of my own serenity.

It's just that.. if I were her, I don't know if I can stand still and be strong like her seeing and knowing that no justice for her mother.


  1. aku juga udah baca tulisan alanda. ajaib banget yanh negeri kita?? :(

  2. @ning
    iyaaa.. sementara yg jelas2 nyolong duit negara sampe plesiran segala dihukumnya maen2 gitu..
    bener2 sick and tired denger berita2 yg ada :(

  3. ana, blognya gue link yaaa.. :D
